What is your name?
Photo by JWessel Photography
Stephen Willson
What is your job at Gracie’s, and how long have you worked here?
Front of House Manager
What do you like the most about working here?
Not one specific thing–
I love everyone’s shared passion for what we do.
I love that we are always learning from each other.
I love the high quality food, beverages & service which all come together in a comforting & non- pretentious setting.
Is there a favorite item or tool that is essential to your job?
Metal collar stays & a double hinged wine key. With a straight collar and a proper wine key, anything is possible.
What do you like to do outside of work?
cook, eat, drink wine, garden, hang out with my dogs- Tonk & Pete, camping & Magic the Gathering
What is your favorite food?
Delicious food paired with delicious wine.
What is your favorite drink?
My favorite cocktail is a Division Bell (mezcal, Aperol, maraschino liqueur, lime juice, grapefruit twist).
My favorite beer is Duchesse De Bourgogne or BBC Coffeehouse Porter.
My favorite wine depends on what I’m eating and my general mood.
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Cereal Milk Ice Cream or Ginger Hibiscus Sorbet
What is your favorite candy?
French Burnt Peanuts– I don’t think anyone else in the world likes them.
What is your hidden talent?
My singing voice and my killer Magic the Gathering Decks.
Anything else fabulous, funny, or interesting you’d like to add?
Everything about me is fabulous.
But top 3 would probably have to be:
1. Inappropriate sense of humor
2. Fashion forward Tie & Sock collection
3. My taste in wine