In Menu Highlights

If you happen to dine at Gracie’s this summer, chances are pretty good that you will eat something from our rooftop garden. For the past 9 years, Gracie’s has been making use of the garden space atop the Peerless building on the corner of Westminster and Union Streets in downtown Providence. Each year we get a little better at making the most of this precious space and each year we find new ways to utilize all of the treasures harvested from above the city.

Our garden helps us create an intimate connection to our food. The culinary team spends endless hours weeding, planting, watering, harvesting, etc.. They watch our food grow from seed to flower to fruit. They are there to witness the first tiny green tomato grow from its blossom, then wait patiently until it is perfectly ripe and ready to be plucked from the vine.

When we grow the food we cook, a new level of respect and integrity is gained for the final product and the entire process. We always put love into each and every dish that is served but now that love is deeper because we cared for our food from its beginning. This love is as abundant as husk cherries in September.

The rooftop garden provides an opportunity for our staff to learn and showcase not only culinary skills, but farming and agricultural skills, as well. We bring cuttings from our own gardens to transplant on the rooftop. Some of our guests start seedlings for the garden each year. It brings us together, provides an outlet for creativity and learning, and it feeds both our stomachs and our souls.

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