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We are excited to share that Gracie’s will be opening her doors on Thursday, August 6th, for Dinner Service. In doing so, our primary mission is to provide a safe and welcoming environment for you, our guests, and our team.

While we’ve been away, we have taken time to rebuild and reinvent our nightly service, focusing on how our hospitality will translate into our new era. Many adjustments have been made. Below you can read about our COVID 19 policies and procedures.

We ask that you:

  1. Reschedule your visit with us if you or anyone in your party is feeling sick or show any COVID-19 symptoms.
  2. Wear a mask or face covering upon your arrival and while you are walking through our common spaces till you arrive at your table.

Teammates Safety and Well-Being

  • We are screening for COVID-19 symptoms and following all the state regulations.
    Employees have been provided with face masks and additional personal protective equipment needed to keep you and them safe as they perform their duties.
  • We are taking and recording all teammates’ temperatures each day.
  • High touch surfaces and all behind the scenes are being sanitized regularly throughout the day.
  • Teammate workspaces have been adjusted to ensure physical distancing.
  • In accordance with RI state regulations, we have developed an action plan for COVID 19 procedures.

Making a Reservation

  • Dining at Gracie’s will be available by reservation only. We are currently unable to accept walk-in reservations.
  • Reservations will be available by calling Gracie’s or online at
  • Upon arrival, you will be asked to review the RI Screening Tool’s questions and verify that you have not experienced any symptoms in the last three days.
  • We may contact you about your reservation, so please ensure your email and phone number are up to date.


  • Plan to arrive no more than ten minutes prior to your reservation time per the RI Department of Health regulations.
  • Face masks are required while dining, except when eating or drinking. We will refuse seating and service to individuals without face coverings. Please make sure you are wearing your mask when your server approaches the table, or social distancing cannot be observed.*
  • Tables have been spaced appropriately and will be set only upon your arrival.
    Seating at the bar is currently unavailable.
  • Tables and seating will be sanitized prior to each visit.

We are excited to announce our Team Share Model

The hospitality industry is evolving every day around the country and especially now. One of our biggest challenges as an industry has been providing a competitive living wage to our valued team members.

During these challenging times, we, like most organizations, have taken the opportunity to review our practices and reimagine how we do business. As part of reinventing our organization, we knew it was the best time to revisit our compensation model in order to maintain and attract the most talented team and compete in a tight labor market. We looked at several models over the last couple of months, weighing the pros and cons. We determined that the “team share model” is the best approach to ensure that all of our team members are fairly compensated and that we will be able to continue attracting top talent. We also believe that this model will ensure that our guests continue to receive an outstanding experience and our organization is well-positioned for the future.

What is a service charge? A service charge is a set percentage added to every guest check. The total amount of the service charge is the property of the restaurant and will be used to help pay for labor and benefits for all employees. The service charge may be viewed by guests as a substitute for a tip, however, guests will be free to add an additional tip if they choose. We have chosen a 20% service charge based on industry standards and the average tips leading up to this transition. We have been charging a service charge for years for parties of 6 or more and for our events. We are now simply extending this model for all party sizes.

What are the benefits of a team share model? The shared team model allows the proceeds collected from the service charge to be used for the pay and benefits of ALL team members. Our team is made up of professionals that have made hospitality their career choice. They are family members, homeowners, and active members of our community. The shared team model ensures a sustainable model for our team to continue to receive consistent compensation and benefits. Our research shows that this model helps create a more united culture throughout the team.

Numerous studies have concluded that there is little to no correlation between the quality of service and the amount of tip. We do believe that the quality of our service will continue to grow new heights.

Every team member from dishwasher to cook, bartender to the server, is involved in serving our guests. If the dish or cocktail you order comes to the table carefully prepared and in a timely fashion, that’s good service, that service results from the efforts of the entire team. Rewards that can be shared by the entire team make sense.

We believe in what Danny Meyers calls “enlightened hospitality” – that providing good service is its own reward. We want our team to provide the best possible service, but we want the motivation to provide this great service to come not from the hope of a big tip but rather from pride in a job well done. We are confident our team members and guests will benefit from this more enlightened model.

We are looking forward to welcoming you back to our home on Washington Street!

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